02 Root to the Roof : A (bio)remediation between human and non-human
Drawing to explore the seasonality of reeds alongside the process of phytoremediationDrawing to imagine the potential of reed growth upon existing rooftopsAxo displaying the added elementsBlock plan showing the adapted courtyard for the water processingAxo exploring the overtaking of reeds on the rooftopsMultispecies staircaseMultiscpecies drain pipesHarvesting ritualsTile designSection through the housing blockDetailFollowing the drip 01
Following the drip 02
Following the drip 03Reed seasonality 01
Reed seasonality 02
Reed seasonality 03Winter visualisation from the roofSummer visualisation tending to the reedsSpring visualisation within the reeds
Semester 9 Project
Sep 22 - Jun 23
Tutor: Alicia Lazzaroni
School: Aarhus School of Architecture
This project situates itself in an imagined scenario, where the rooftops of Aarhus become an artificial ecosystem. Reed plants grow in abundance in specially designed clay tiles, a variety of species reach this ecosystem through visible clay pipes, textured for critters to crawl up making the rooftop a predominantly non-human space. The rhizomes of the reeds provide space for a trans-species collaboration to take place between the plant, soil, water, bacteria, fungi and sun, resulting in the process of phytoremediation. This process then provides an essential human service of cleaning greywater from the apartments to be re-used in the building before entering the existing sewer system. The project investigates these hacked systems across the timeframe of a year, exploring different points of view to make the possible situation plausible, where the human is not the central actor and must take responsibility for the non-human critters our existence depends upon.
Seasonality was an important element of the project, imagining the growth, maintenance requirements and harvesting possibilities over the time frame of a year. Additionally, the project thoroughly investigated the water movements from the rain through the artificial ecosystem and to its movement through the housing, to the process of phytoremediation. Testing the growth of reeds in an artificial environment alongside the 1:2 mock up of a roof was integral to the development of the project.
Growing testStudio set up of growth explorations1:2 Tile test1:2 Roof Mock-upGrowth from seed exploration
Growth from seed exploration
Growing tests booklet 01
Growing tests booklet 02
Growing tests booklet 03
Growing tests booklet 04