Bex Browne

I am an architect currently based in Aarhus, Denmark, where I recently completed my master studies in the sustainability studio, Material Matters, at Aarhus School of Architecture. 
Through my work I explore materials from landscape to built form, where the process driven projects aim to explore ways of designing in the midst of the climate crises. At a time where existing practices and material palettes should be critically challenged, the research based projects aspire to imagine alternative scenarios that consider entanglements across scales, times and perspectives as methods to discover ways of designing with responsibility and within ecological frameworks. This website acts as an archive of recent projects.

SubTERRARIUM Conference
Mar 24 - Apr 24

This project was completed in collaboration with Alicia Lazzaroni, Antonio Bernacchi and Carolina Dayer.
I was involved as a research assistant for this project, assisting with the design and fabrication of 3 ‘open terrariums’ for a conference at the Aarhus School of Architure, that discussed the impact and relationships of architecture with the soil through talks, performances and films. The 3 ‘open terrariums’ acted as seating for the event whilst also exploring regenerative agriucltural practices, methods of building with soil and visual representations of soil architecture.  

All works ©BexBrowne2024